Friday, August 12, 2011

Techniques For Increasing The Health And Capacity Of Your Heart ...

Cardiovascular disease has plagued modern society. In fact, cardiovascular disease is one of the top killers in America.

And the worst part here is that a lot of what we do on a regular basis is NOT improving this situation.

So, here are some steps you can take towards a healthier and stronger heart:

1. Get moving: And the best part is that it doesn?t have to be strenuous. You see, simple activity, although effortless, is a great way to increase the health of your circulatory system. So get moving today to get the maximum benefits!

2. Resistance train: Resistance training is a great way to increase the health of your circulatory system because it decreases visceral fat. And visceral fat is the most unhealthy type of fat because it secretes harmful substances into your general circulation.

3. Eat mounds of vegetables: Vegetables don?t taste bad and you can enhance their taste with low calorie dressings and oils. The main roadblock most people face, in my opinion, is speeding up the vegetable cooking process. One way around this is through bag-steaming frozen vegetables.

4. Never miss out on breakfast: If you do, your levels of insulin will be disrupted for the rest of the day-not a good scenario. And once insulin is disrupted, sugar will stay in your blood for longer periods of time and it is more likely to enter your fat cells.

5. Don?t drink sugar: Drinking calorie-laden concoctions will stiffen your arteries and make them less elastic. This is not good for optimal heart health. So make sure you go for low calorie varieties, or even better, stick to water.

6. Eat lots of nuts: You see, nuts are loaded with the types of fats that help your cells take in greater quantities of nutrients. And more nutrients into your cells equates into better heart health. Essentially, the less sugar you have in your blood the better.

Ok, now you know what to do to increase your heart health. Just make sure you take action now, not later, because later usually never comes.

Author Katherine Crawford, a fitness physiologist and former fat arms sufferer, teaches how to get toned arms. Figure out how to get sexy and sculpted arms by exploring her blog with upper arm exercises for women right now!


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