Friday, June 1, 2012

Effective Video Marketing | Web Hosting Comparison Reviews

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Effective Video Marketing

Article by Bill Pratt

Effective Video Marketing ? Internet ? Web Hosting

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How could a progressive marketer or advertiser make out the most of their venture into online video marketing? How could you create a successful and effective cross-media brand experience? What would be the best methods so that you can ensure that your online video would be able to generate a lot of positive returns for the business you have? Here are five tips that video marketers could consider.

1. Keep it short.

Television commercials do not have a place in the user-controlled and fast-paced online environment. A lot of the video content online is in short form, with a length of two to five minutes ? and a 30-second advertisement for content with a length of two minutes would not work. As a matter of fact, based on one study conducted, there were 60.6 percent of consumers who cited that ?shorter advertisemfactor which would make video advertisents than TV? was the primary ements better.

2. Measure results.

Measurability would be one of the valuable characteristics of online media, so you need to make sure that you are using them to their maximum potential. You would need to measure the impact of the online video to consumers and you would need to measure the performance of your online video.

3. Content is very important.

Though the bigger brand-name websites are able to guarantee a larger audience, they could be costly with their videos, even when computed on a per-viewer basis. What would be more efficient would be the websites, which are content-specific like careers, auto and gaming. These websites had the highest CTR. So although big-name websites gives a bigger audience, content-specific websites would generate better bottom-line results.

4. Be consistent.

Make sure that your message is consistent but still medium-appropriate. Finesse is needed to make cross-media advertising and marketing effective. You need to create a campaign, which is integrated and consistent without duplicating the same advertisements across different media.

5. Influence a good network.

It would be more appealing to use a network, which would be able to take out the hassles and complexity from the whole process of video marketing.

About the Author

Do not waste your time with bad web hosting services. Go for trusted and reliable hosting providers ? bluehost or hostgator. Sign up today for one penny!

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Bill Pratt

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Video Hosting Video Rating: 4 / 5

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