Monday, May 21, 2012

Mothers' Day: The Joy Of Motherhood | The pointer news online


AS I stepped into Ufuoma Baptist Church, Effurun, which has been my place of worship for some time now, I could not help but admire what my eyes beheld. The entire church premise was filled with la?dies sporting different beautiful colours of T. Shirts worn over black skirts.

My first impression was that the Rev. D.O.E. Madoghwe, who happens to be the minister-in-charge, had gone to import some young ladies of between 16 and 20 years of age to come and boost his ministry. On getting closer, I was amazed to see that the ladies were the married women in the church, our wives! Don?t blame me; one would have mis?take them for a bevy primed for a beauty contest. They were all beautifully dressed for this special day. What was the special day? It was Mother?s Day celebration. They did not just enter the hall of worship to start praising God; the day began with a colourful march parade, to the admiration of their hus?bands and children, all beaming with smiles and cheer. At that point, I went quietly to a corner, sat down and reflected on the joy of motherhood.

Some women, today, think of family life as an unbearable drudgery. Many feminists have told women that they cannot find fulfil?ment by being wives and mothers; so, they should leave home and pursue careers. It so happens that many women who do stay home almost feel inferior and guilty.

But in the holy Bible, the book of Titus 2:4 and 5 says that young women should be taught ?to love their husbands, to love their children, to be helpers at home.? Surely, it is difficult for young mothers to stay at home and lovingly care for their families. It often requires hard work sometimes tears, and many sacrifices. But excelling at anything worthwhile in life takes hard work.

Consider the joy and rewards of the job. Psalms 127.3 says that ?children are an heri?tage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward.? What other job is better com?pared to that of motherhood: loving children who will someday mature to be productive, God-fearing men and women? If women do not make sacrifices in their younger years to raise children, they will not have children and grandchildren who hug, love and care for them in their older years. That is the truth.

I Timothy 5:3,10 says ?Honour widows that have brought up children.? Years ago, before modern philosophies prevailed, motherhood was an honourable profession. It ought to be the same today. Proverbs 31:10:22 includes the following statements. ?Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. Her Children arise up and call her blessed (and) her husband also will praise her.?

Let us show our appreciation to our wives and mothers. Let us speak out for the joy of motherhood. May it again become honour?able for a woman to be a joyful mother of children. Often, mothers are unappreciated by our societies, so we need to recognize and support one another.

Instead of criticizing these women so often, we all can do our bit in helping them during challenging circumstances. We need to give them a break and stop expecting perfection from them. No one is perfect. As long as we love and set consistent boundaries, we can?not go wrong.

No one should forget that women and mothers have a unique role to play in society by using their special nurturing skills. They, with little or no training or preparation, be?come mothers and they instinctively know what is right for their children. That is im?pressive! In no other job would that be ex?pected.

I salute all good and great mothers for the great jobs they do. They are all unsung he?roes!

I rest my case.


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